Initial idea for ‘Community’ #PB 7


This is my original idea of the ‘community’. When I was exploring in Brighton of my portrait task, I found it. It was quite interesting, the old ladies act the show, and what’s kinds of people will be the audience?

THEN, I changed my idea after I walked out from the national gallery in London, I found another interesting subject, ‘Falun Gong’. They were doing the exercise, and distribute leaflets to propaganda their religion. In China, we defined ‘Falun Gong’ is a heathen organization, which will leads to people commit suicide once you get involved.

But, when I was in London, I just grab some brochure, it’s just seems like a normal health group, practising yoga this kind of activity. And they claimed that the Communist Party in China abuse their colleague. The government misleading people to believe they are heathens, because they are only one organization that telling the truth, this their faith, which against the evil and fake.

As we’re learning critical thinking during the master degree, because I am so curious about the ‘truth’, did ‘Falun Gong’ is an evil group like we knew? Is it will be too sensitive politically as a subject?



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