Reading Week

Finding Inspiration – Ingledew

‘Take inspiration from everywhere. Be aware of everything, take inspiration from the street, from popular culture, from music and from comedy.’——Lee Widdows, art director and teacher

To be a creative person is vital things for inspiration. Not just going to some certain place to take photos in order to taking photos, sometimes the greatest works happens in our life by accident, but we still need eyes to catch this moments. Even a mistakes can be the great picture.

For instance, when I read this book, I inspired by this interesting photo. It’s strong contrast of welcome and wire netting, like a sarcasm.


Ingledew motioned a fine source of black and white film by Charles Laughton, and < Double Indemnity> by Bily Wilder. Because I haven’t touched black white film before, so I just mark it for have a look later. Colorful films < The Red Shoes>, and <The Wizard of Oz> old version in 1939. Powell’s <Peeping Tom> is quite attractive for me, that’s a thriller film.

What makes a great photographer – Ingledew

‘A great photographer takes us somewhere new, creating not just single great pictures but a great body of work. They act as catalysts for changing how the whole medium of photography is perceived.’ (Ingledew, 2013)

A great photographer will do every efforts for his works, what ever it takes. They usually innovation their own work, never do something that others did.

A great pictures can take the audiences go back to the scene that photographer took it, with their special ‘language’, which link the photographer and viewer together. (Ingledew, 2013)

When should a photographer stop taking pictures?

When we talking about should we obey our responsibility as a photographer to take photo no matter what’s happened in front of us, or put down your carmera to stop unfair things. This is a controversial questions. What I will do is to interrupt, because I don’t want regret after that. That’s all, and I also won’t judge the person who choose to take picture, because we all have different values, I don’t think they break the moral line as a human being. Besides, I will respect them do the things I cannot do, their not only defending the professional quality but also had a chance to aware the public the terrible things was around us, that could be a way to save more life.

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