First Stage of the Project

Present my initial idea of ‘ Community’ in the class

After spoke to the whole class and tutor, I realized that my subject will be too big, I decided to focus on ‘one story line’, which means I might follow 1 or 2 member or volunteer in Falun Gong, trying to figure out what’s kind of faith they believe.


The more I researched, the more I confused. I was insisted to find the truth from the information I got, I still don’t know who should believe for now, after all I’m atheist.

This is history, nobody could tell a history is right or wrong. The recorder who edited this period of history, is the way he/she thinking of them.


I don’t want to ask the question that I have been researched, but one thing I want to go further is why china communist party have to treat Falun Gong as a heretical organization? Based on my research, except the obvious reasons, I guess one of the reason should be Jiang Zemin( the chairman of china during 1989-2004) deemed Li Hongzhi( the founder and spiritual leader of Falun Gong) who have the power to control his believer as a modern god, it will become a potantial threaten to the Communist Party.

For this conception I designed these questions for my interviewee.

  • When you first time touch with Falun Gong, how was that?
  • What’s makes you to participate it? And Why?
  • Falun Gong originates from China, did you know how it was in China?
  • How do you think of the Tianan Square self-immolation?
  • Do you know Li hongzhi? Do you think he is a god. (This question related to manipulation, if Yes, that will confirm my conception, if No, I will ask one more question.)
  • Did you think about that Falun Gong should have its own god?

I’m going to catch them up on this Sunday, Regent’s park, London at 11.

To be continued…

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