Initial idea for ‘Community’ #PB 7

This is my original idea of the ‘community’. When I was exploring in Brighton of my portrait task, I found it. It was quite interesting, the old ladies act the show, and what’s kinds of people will be the audience? THEN, I changed my idea after I walked out from the national gallery in London,…

Walker Evans-Group 1

What’s impressed me a lot of Walker Evans is the ’emotion’, which behind the photos and been well preseved. He spent long time to get along with the farmers when he worked for Farm Security Administration. I believe that no one can know these people better than him. Thus, what’s he exactly wants to express…

Brighton Photo Biennial 2016#PB 5

What work were you most impressed with and why? This photo impressed me a lot, because it’s recall my memory of my grandparents. Every elder has a pair of hand that full of wrinkle. Understanding a photograph is basied on my knowledge and our perception of world. This wall of beauty is one of my favorite,…

The Portrait Assignment #PB 4

It’s so grateful that the shopkeepers were so nice, I don’t have to spend a lot of time of conveying them to be my model. Actually, I didn’t interrupt them many times, I just let them to do their work never mind me, made them relax and nature. I tried my best to find the…

Before the Portraiture Task #PB 4

The Heroism of Vision According to Sontag people treat beautiful in different ways, discovering also create a standard of beautiful, but when everyone found only one kind of beauty will gets tired of it, so I think beauty not just beautiful things, it should be unique. People usually over-editing their selfie, because they believe that…

National Portrait Gallery

This weekend I went to London to see the exhibition of William Eggleston Portraits. The ticket cost 7 pounds per person, no phone, no camera, but it worth a visit,. William Eggleston and color Eggleston is one of the pioneers of color photography in the early 1970s,who be good at use strong color expressions.  His unusual…

Potrait Practice #PB 4

We leant how to use reflector this class, and my model is Eva. Comparing these two picture, second one is more bright and less shadow, which makes my model looks nice. The lights just shine on the orange peel, the color has a strong contrast with the green field, also seagulls were so coperative. We…

The Decisive Moment by my understanding #PB 3

‘The Decisive Moment’ more likely means the photographer’s instincts, it’s takes you to shot the moment, and the detail also can be a huge subject. Cartier- Bresson’s theory indicated that to catch the best frame it is depends on the chance or luck that you did not miss it. But it doesn’t say the more…

Landscape photography task #PB 2

Wide angle shots. Close up shots, focusing on the details. Due to the dirty things on my lens, I add some filter. Making the details of clouds more clear. I like the parallel line in the picture that takes me go through the line, look farther. Sometime when you take a good shot, it’s maybe…

Three special photos #PB 1

The first picture, I took it from Covent Garden which is different from other typical tourism attractions. The vintage market and the style really beautiful. It is strong sunlight that day. Second picture  is a photograper’s work, and I am the model. This is my favourite photo of that serious of picture. The rain drops…