Selecting Photos

It’s quite difficult to choose the picture I took this time, because I took a lot of great work this weekend. However, I got 9 totally. For each of them I named, which I will explain it in my project critique.

Project update

I spent whole weekend in London, finally I caught a lot of member of Falun Gong in St Martin-in-the-Fields, China town and in front of China Embassy. This place is they hold regular propaganda from 2-4pm every Saturday, which is opposite to the National Portrait Gallery.  The UK government gave them the right of send leaflets…

Project Updated on Sunday

This Sunday, I visited Regent’s Park again, and had an interview with Debbie, the member of Falun Gong. Unfortunately, I don’t have any other trainee company to practice the Qigong mediation together, so I have to train myself about 45min, but I still glad to do excises in the morning with Debbie, and participated in…

First Stage of the Project

Present my initial idea of ‘ Community’ in the class After spoke to the whole class and tutor, I realized that my subject will be too big, I decided to focus on ‘one story line’, which means I might follow 1 or 2 member or volunteer in Falun Gong, trying to figure out what’s kind of…

Outline and Project Mind Map #PB 7

Project Mind Map Outline Do some research about my subject; build up initial idea of my topic, ie. What I’m going to talk about? What kind of style I want to make? Gather all the information, taking notes. Making question for interview Contact the member, both by email and face to face. Decided what kind…

Initial idea for ‘Community’ #PB 7

This is my original idea of the ‘community’. When I was exploring in Brighton of my portrait task, I found it. It was quite interesting, the old ladies act the show, and what’s kinds of people will be the audience? THEN, I changed my idea after I walked out from the national gallery in London,…